Yeah Mate Original Tee

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Colours: Grey

Sizes: S – 3XL

Material: 100% Cotton

Made by: Yeah Mate Apparel Co.

Made in O’Connor, WA, Australia

Australian Owned


Yeah Mate Original Tee is available from Yeah Mate Apparel Co. 

“Yeah mate”… we all say it and hear it a lot. To agree with someone, to help someone, to acknowledge someone. Here Down Under, from morning to night, “Yeah Mate” echoes across the beaches, footy ovals, school playgrounds and board rooms.

It got us thinking that this phrase has the potential to lead the charge in promoting Australia. It communicates the essence of the Down Under lifestyle that we enjoy every day and that the rest of the world has on their bucket list.

Yeah Mate Apparel Co. was created to be the driving force in getting this message out. It doesn’t matter how far apart we may be. We are all mates.

100% Australian designed and manufactured apparel. These are premium products built to our custom specifications. They are built by Australians so they fit and look bloody awesome.



Yeah Mate Original Tee is available from Yeah Mate Apparel Co. 

“Yeah mate”… we all say it and hear it a lot. To agree with someone, to help someone, to acknowledge someone. Here Down Under, from morning to night, “Yeah Mate” echoes across the beaches, footy ovals, school playgrounds and board rooms.

It got us thinking that this phrase has the potential to lead the charge in promoting Australia. It communicates the essence of the Down Under lifestyle that we enjoy every day and that the rest of the world has on their bucket list.

Yeah Mate Apparel Co. was created to be the driving force in getting this message out. It doesn’t matter how far apart we may be. We are all mates.

100% Australian designed and manufactured apparel. These are premium products built to our custom specifications. They are built by Australians so they fit and look bloody awesome.